Prevent a Listeria outbreak by detecting and eliminating risks in the production chain

28 April 2022

We have increasingly more control on the behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes in production environments. We understand how a potential Listeria contamination can move through a manufacturing process. We are also aware of the control measures that are essential to prevent the spread of L. monocytogenes through a production chain. 

Once we know where a risk of L. monocytogenes spreading is located, this risk can usually be eliminated rather easily to prevent a Listeria outbreak. Our worst-case initial contamination Listeria monocytogenes calculation plays an important role in this. Using this calculation, we can detect and eliminate a potential Listeria outbreak at an early stage. This way, we have prevented various Listeria outbreaks. 

Prevent a Listeria outbreak by detecting and eliminating risks in the production chain

Kerkstraat 3a | 6671 AN Zetten
